Nate Varner Talks FCA and Soccer

Varner Selected Chattanooga Area Athlete of Year

June 30, 2021

Chattanooga, TN -- Nate Varner is the son of Bradley and Christy Varner. He recently graduated from Rhea County High School and attending the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, where he will pursue a degree in Mechanical Engineering. His siblings are Noah and Ruby. Nate attended New Union Baptist Church and expressed how much he would miss his church. Nate has been very active in his church.

Nate's High School soccer coach Justin Smith is the Jim Sattler Leadership Award winner for Chattanooga Area FCA . Justin said about Nate, "We are so excited for Nate to receive this reward. Chattanooga FCA puts all the nominees through a rigorous process of essays, interviews, and reference essays to choose their winner, so when I found out they had chosen Nate. I was so pumped! Nate has excelled this year and grown into a great leader, both on our soccer team and for our FCA at Rhea County High School. We are excited to watch as he continues to grow in the Lord!"

Nate answered a few question for Tennessee Community Magazine.

Talk about the FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes).

FCA is a Christian sports ministry focused on coaches, campus, camp and community, but, specifically at the high school, it is a way to reach out to teachers, staff, and students about the gospel no matter if they play sports or not. We have turned FCA into more of a Fellowship of Christian “Anyone” rather than Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

Talk about your involvement in FCA.

I have been involved in FCA really since I was four. Growing up I went to FCA camp, but in high school I started getting involved with FCA and served in FCA leadership for my last 2 years.

When did you begin playing school soccer?

I began playing soccer in 6th grade

Was there a favorite game during your career at Rhea County High School?

My favorite game in my career has to be the district championship this year verses Warren. Evey year (besides the covid year) we went to the district championship. Freshman and sophomore year, we lost the game, but senior year we finally won it. After 4 years, we had finally accomplished what we have been working for.

What was it like playing for coach Smith over the last 4 years?

"Playing for Coach Smith is an amazing experience. He has built a culture that is unmatched. Everyone on the team cares for each other and has each others backs no matter what. Furthermore, its not just about winning, its about teaching us to become men. Personally, he has taught me so much about becoming a godly man and leader."

Nate's favorite subject in school was math. His favorite memory verse is Romans 5:8, "For God shows his love for us in this, While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

Who were some of your favorite teachers at Rhea County High School?

"Justin Smith, Barry West, Brian Kamer and I can't forget the Office Staff because they often go unnoticed - Thanks to Cindy Roddy, Bob Hulgan, and Crystal Vest

What are some of your hobbies and interests outside of school?

I like spikeball, hunting, fishing, and youth group/church community events.

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