Senior Story 2020 – Brianna Murray
April 30, 2020 Evensville, TN --  Brianna Murray is a 2020 senior at Rhea County High School and daughter of Ashley Murray. She have a 3 month old son, Gunner Martin   She has two brothers, Ethan Aaron.  She went to Rossville Elementary, Rhea Centeral Elementary, and Rhea Middle School before moving on the Rhea County High School. What extracaricular activities did you participate in during your time at Rhea County High School? "I was in JROTC from my freshman year until my junior year.  I learned alot of life skills and self discipline and keeping myself healthy." What are your hobbies and outside interests? "I love to fish and I love doing anything outdoors." Who was your avorite teacher at Rhea County High School? "My favorite teacher was Ms. James at RCHS.  She's always been such a light and inspiration to anyone she comes in contact with.  Her smile is contagious and she brings so much joy and she's a Godly inspiration.  Still to this day she's a person I can come to about anything and everything and she helps me in any way possible." What was your favorite subject in school? "My favorite subject was English.  I didn't care for it much until my senior year, when I got Mrs Cannon.  She made it fun and put alot of life into everything she taught. Thanks to her, English  was very enjoyable" What are your plans after high school? "I planned on going to college to be a nurse. but I had a change of heart and I now plan on attending Cleveland State for something in the medical field.  I'm leaning towards an ultrasound tech." What was your favorite moment(s) during school? "My favorite moments during high school would have to be just any of the laughs shared between my friends, military ball, prom, and the football games." What was the mpact of losing out on last three months of school? "I went on Maternity leave back in January, and I was supposed to go back the week school was cancelled due to the virus.  I was upset and once I realized I would never walk through the doors of RCHS again, it broke my heart. I wish I was able go back at least a week and soak up everything to do with senior year." What was the impact of going through the COVID-19 crisis? "Having to stay at home 24/7 and just seeing the numbers go up for the virus.  It definitely is scary.  I keep my child and myself protected and all times." Has COVID-19 changed your view of day-to-day living? "It has definitely made me appreciate just being able to go out and not having to worry about catching something that is deadly." Did you learn anything new during your time away from school or did you rediscover something you used to do? "I was worried about leaving my son, but now that schools been out, I've been able to spend more time with him and tackle life with a baby.  I haven't learned anything new but I've been spending more time focusing on things that matter.  Now I am more focused on appreciating my family."

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