Rusty Rogers Running For Rhea County Executive

Rogers Brings County Commission Experience To Resume

July 9, 2022

Rhea County, Tn -- Rusty Rogers is one of seven candidates running for Rhea County Executive in the 2022 election. Early voting runs from July 15 through 30 and elections is August 4, 2022.

Rusty was born in 1974 to Roy and Marie Rogers. He is a life-long resident of Rhea County and graduate of Rhea County High School. Rusty is married with two step-daughters and a step-son, five grandchildren, and two nephews that Rusty and his wife have proudly raised. They are serving in the United State military. Rusty has served the citizens of Rhea County for over three decades with the Rhea County Fire Department and has been working in law enforcement throughout Rhea County since 1995. He has spent his entire adult life serving Rhea County and is very passionate about Rhea County.

Rusty answered a few questions in reference to his run for Rhea County Executive.

Why are you running for Rhea County Executive?

"I am passionate about our county and I am concerned about the direction we can go if we do not have "common sense" conservative leadership."

What do you think qualifies you to be Rhea County Executive?

"I have served on the Rhea County Commission for the past 4 years and I am currently the Chairman of the Rhea County Budget Committee. I am very familiar with what it takes for the county to operate efficiently and familiar with how the county budget operates. I would be ready and able to straight to work with no transitional delay because of my background and experience."

What has been the prevailing question you have been asked on the campaign trail?

"The prevailing questions come from the middle/north end of county. These residents are asking what are you doing for the entire county and not just certain areas. My reply is simply "that if elected, I will do my part to ensure that every part of the county is treated equally and have their fair shake.""

What are the main duties of the Rhea County Executive?

"The main duty is Chief Financial Officer. The Executive is responsible for all county properties and buildings with the exception of schools and roadways, overseeing day-to-day operations of the county, and maintaining fiscal health. The Executive is also responsible to keep operations running smoothly, oversee county meetings, and carry out enforcement duties(any necessary steps to carry out the wishes of the commission)."

What is the top priority that you think needs to be addressed by you if elected?

"That is a tough one, because there are so many priorities in the county. i would have to say, the issues with our landfill would rank towards the top. Our citizens are inconvenienced in so many ways dealing with the landfill. One big way is the high cost for citizens to utilize their landfill. The would be one of the starting places. Another priority would be our Emergency Service and making sure that our volunteers have the equipment needed to efficiency do their job to protect our citizens."

What are the biggest challenges that you think Rhea County will face in the upcoming years?

"Addressing the landfill issues as well as working to get all citizens of Rhea County the availability to have broadband internet access and not just certain areas of county. The county budget is always a challenge but it is heading in the right direction. We must be diligent to keep it going in that direction."

What has been the biggest negative about the campaign?

"The biggest negative would have to the many hours spent away from my family, but the time spent this campaign is very important. I am willing to spend whatever is necessary, because this is what it will take to efficiently operate this office and I am willing to do whatever is necessary."

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