Republican Party Secretary Charles Riggs, Chief Deputy John Argo and Republican Chairperson Ted Engel during the check presentation to Toy Drive by Rhea County Sheriff's Department.(Photo:Submitted)
December 18, 2023 Evensville, TN
At the recent monthly meeting of the Rhea County Republican Party, members donated new toys along with a check to the Rhea County Sheriff's Toy Drive. Chief Deputy John Argo along with several of his deputies and Toy Drive coordinator Cheyenne Swafford accepted the donations and the check. The Rhea County Sheriff’s Department is still accepting donations of new, unwrapped toys and cash donations at the Rhea County Sheriff’s Department Offices at the Justice Center in Dayton.
In the back left to right are Deputies Sean Canterbury, Ben Fetter, Kyle Argo, Dakota Wilcox, Republican Party Treasurer Marvin Keener Jr., PAC Treasurer Jennifer Keener, Republican Vice Chairperson Bonnie Doss and former Party Chairperson Kris Bancroft.

Deputy Kyle Argo along with Deputy Cheyenne Swafford go through the donations that have been received so far by the Rhea County Sheriff’s Department. The vehicle bay of the Training Center is completely full.(Photo:Submitted)

Chief Deputy John Argo thanks the group for their help. The Sheriff's Department has been doing the drive for over 24 years. Standing with him is Ted Engel , Chairperson of the Republican Party.(Photo:Submitted)