RCHS Student Ashton Corvin Showcasing Her Cinematic Talent

Ashton Produces Beautiful Videoes for Community

August 16, 2020 Evensville, TN --  Ashton Corvin is a senior at Rhea County High School, who is already working in what she hopes will be her future occupational field.  Ashton has already produced some wonderful videoes that are very welll viewed on facebook and instagram.  Her favorite events are weddings.    Her favorite video produced was "youth", which she made for her sister's graduation present and that one was a very emotional video, that was well done.  Ashton has a facebook page for her video projects, Ashton Corvin Film. One of my favorites was a recent wedding video of Spencer Robinson and Emma Ruth Keylon.  Click her to go to the video , Ashton answered a couple of questions about her videography. When did you develop an interest in doing videograaphy? "I developed an interest when I was 15. My mom actually drove me to film my first wedding." How many films have you produced? "Including my own personal films, I would say I’ve done close to 100." What is your least favorite part of videography? "I would say my least favorite part is the color grading. I t is very very time consuming going through 300-400 videos and adjusting the settings on every single one." Why are weddings your favorite video event to capture and produce? "I love being able to tell a couples story through my film.  I also meet so many new vendors, photographers, and coordinators." How did you learn how to do videography? "I was pretty much self taught for my first year of filming. Youtube always helped for sure!!  I purchased two online courses by Indy Blue and Kenna Bangerter. They are a huge inspiration to me & helped me grow so much." What are your plans after high school? "After high school, I plan on going to college and studying cinematography and business.  I hope to find a job filming big movies!" As a high school student, you are now embarked on a new chapter in life attending school with all the restrictions and concerns of the COVID-19 pandemic.  How has that affected your school ending and  restart this year? "The pandemic was super tough on a lot of students.   It really took a toll on my videography business considering all the weddings got pushed back later into this year.  As far as being at school, I know the administration is doing their absolute best to protect us.  Being at school during a pandemic is completely different, but I’m just thankful to be there at all."

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