Distinguished Young Woman Camryn Winner Carder Talks About the Experience

Camryn Carder Talks about the DYW Experience  On Her Way to Winning Title

May 2020 Dayton, TN --  Camryn Carter recently won the Distinguished Young Woman for 2021 in contest held at Rudd Auditorium on campus of Bryan College.  After winning, she took time to answer a few questions by Rhea County Magazine. Talk about how the experience of participating and winning the Distinguished Young Woman. Camryn said, "Becoming the Distinguished Young Woman of Rhea County has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.  The DYW experience is like nothing else I’ve ever done. Although this year was much different, we still had tons of fun and made it work." Talk about what you will take away from the competition. "The friendships that I formed in our short time together made me realize how important and special this program is for young women.  It really is a community of woman building each other up. I have never felt more honored than when they made the announcement.  Going forth in life, this experience will help me be prepared in all aspects of life. The onstage portion is such a confidence builder." Going into the competition, you had to change the way the program was presented because of covid-19 restrictions.  How did you respond to the challenge? "Even though we had no audience, it’s still nerve-racking to get up on stage and present your thoughts, talent, and fitness.  The interview portion of the program is the most helpful in preparing for the future, in my opinion.  Interview skills are so important and helpful going forward in regards to getting jobs and just being able to communicate your opinions and thoughts concisely to a group of people you’ve never met before." Talk about the group of volunteers, fellow competitors and friends and family that made the program memorable. "None of this program could even be possible if it weren’t for the fantastic ladies that run it.  From mock interviews to going through the fitness routine to giving me a pep talk backstage, the women on the DYW board are truly amazing!  I would like to thank all of them for making the program work this year, despite the challenges.  They really do an outstanding job, and I’m so grateful that they were all here for us.  I also appreciate all of the other girls who participated in the program. This year was a challenge due to the changes, but we all powered through it together. Watching all of you shine in the program was truly amazing. I know that all of you will never stop hustling and putting it on your set! Above all, my family and friends have been the greatest supporters. Autumn, thank you for being there for me always and dealing with my family while we waited on the results. "Coby, thank you for listening to my all of my rambling about this, laughing with me when I was learning the fitness routine, and, of course, helping me with my push-ups. I’m so thankful for your support.  Sissy, thank you for being the best sister in the world. You are my greatest friend.  Thank you so much for all of the confidence you have in me, and for always checking my ego.  Dad, thank you for always making sure I have everything I need to succeed. Momma, thank you for helping me through every part of this.  I know I’m not always the easiest to deal with, but you do it better than anyone else.  You’ve always been my biggest supporter, and I’m so thankful for you.  I truly cannot wait to represent Rhea County as the Distinguished Young Woman of 2021!"

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