Baily McCoy – Rhea County DYW Program First Alternate

First Alternate Baily McCoy Talks About the Distinguished Young Women Program

May 24, 2020 Dayton, TN --  Baily McCoy along with 14 other young women participated in the Distinguished Young Woman Program recently and finished as first alternate.  Bailey was a junior in high school this year.  The young women competed for the title of Distinguished Young Woman of Rhea County for 2021.  The winner will represent the DYW program for the next year and participate in the state and nation program.  Each Distinguished Young Women program evaluates participants in the following categories: Scholastics (25%), Interview (25%), Talent (20%), Fitness (15%), and Self-Expression (15%). Local program winners, in states where locals are available, advance to the state level.   Baily had one of the more non-traditional talents as she performed archery for her talent.  She is a very talented archer and competes often in archery competitions.  Bailey finished in top 3 in two different categories: Fitness and Interview.  She received a $1000 scholarship for her second place finish. Bailey answered a few questions from Rhea County Magazine after the program was complete back on May 17, 2020. Talk about the DYW experience. Bailey said, "My DYW experience was quite different from what I had expected it to be, but it was still great.  I got to make new friends and learn how to present myself on stage properly through a fitness routine, talent portion, and the self expression area of the program." How was the program different than you have thought it would be before the changes brought on by covid-19 restriction came along? "Practicing at home by myself with a video was not how I had wanted to experience practices for the program, but thankfully we still got to practice the week of the performance." Talk about the friendships made during the competition? "I already know most of the girls that participated from school, but I got to talk to them more than usual and bond with them over our thoughts on little things we were trying to figure out in different routines." How will the experience gained from the DYW program help you as you move on to high school and beyond? "This experience will help me be a better person considering I learned how to adapt situations and events due to certain circumstances.  It gave me confidence going on stage and performing my sport for talent, doing well in fitness, and being as elegant and graceful as possible in self expression.   Also, the scholarship money I earned from my awards, will be going towards my college funds.   This program altogether made me feel great about myself. I got to meet and interview with the awesome judges; I was very comfortable with them and loved getting to tell them a little bit about myself." Bailey summed up her experience by thanking those who helped her get through the competition. "I appreciate all the beautiful ladies on the Rhea County DYW Board helping me through everything.   They encouraged me in every part and helped me figure out costume picks for my talent. I am grateful for all that they have done to help me, including the little things like zipping my dress or rolling my target on stage.  My friends and family supported me the entire time even though they couldn’t watch my performance live.  They even tailgated in the parking lot at Bryan while I was inside doing what I had worked so hard for, then spent the rest of the day with me. I gained a lot from this program and will always encourage other girls to consider participating."

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