Disntingished Young Woman Preview – Adelyn Benoit

Rhea County Academy Junior Excited To Be in Distinguished Young Woman Pageant

May 12, 2020 Dayton, TN --  Adelyn Benoit, is daughter of Leigha and Randy Miller (step father) and Shayne and Christina Benoit (step mother).    She has four siblings including Anna, Jadah, TJ, and Autumn.  Adelyn plans on attending Lee University to major in Elementary Education and minor in Youth Ministry.  She has loved working with kids in church over the years and hope to continue doing that through college and afterwards.   She attends Rhea County Academy in Dayton, Tennessee. Who was your favorite teacher over highschool years? "My favorite teacher over the last few years at Rhea County Academy has been George Ryan. He is an amazing, godly man and makes learning a fun experience for his students. He has made a huge impact in my life inside and outside of the classroom. " Talks about your talent for DYW this year? "For my talent I will be singing “Beautiful Beautiful” by Francesca Battistelli.   I have been singing in church since I was 8 years old, but my mom says that I starting humming songs with her before I could even talk. " Is there any part of program that makes you the most nervous? "The part of the program I am most nervous about is probably the self expression portion.  This is only because I’ve never done anything like this before, but I’m so excited to have this amazing opportunity." Do you have a favorite Bible verse or quote? "My favorite Bible verse is Proverbs 19:21.   It says “Many are the plans in a persons heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” This is verse is quite comforting to me, especially in this time.  Although many things for this year have been cancelled, the Lord still has a plan. I can lean on Him throughout everything and trust that His ways are greater than my own. " How COVID-19 has impacted your school year? "COVID-19 has greatly impacted my school year.  We have moved all classes online and are learning through videos and zoom calls.  While this is not the most convenient, it has been a learning experience and taught me many lessons that I can use later in life." Thoughts on program not being before an audience. "Losing the chance to perform before a live audience for DYW is a little disappointing, but I’m thankful we still have the opportunity to do it at all."

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