2022 RCHS Golden Eagle Battalion Report

Members of the Rhea County High School Raiders assemble during a raider competition recently,(Photo:Blackwell)

Battalion Working Hard Behind the Scenes and Around the Area

September 13, 2022

Evensville, Tn -- As we go through the second month of our school year, the Rhea County Golden Eagle Battalion has already done a lot of work. The new commanders are working hard to get their cadets fit for Squad Comp coming up. Staff members are working on getting the battalion publicized and our website up and running fully with more information for both parents and cadets alike. 

     Our raider team competed in another competition on Saturday, September 10th at Fairview. Rhea County sent three teams to the competition. They competed against 32 other teams from Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, and Kentucky.  Team 1 took 3rd place in the obstacle course and 5th place overall.  Their next competition will be on Saturday, September 17th at East Hamilton.   

     The Color Guard is working hard in order to maintain their flags and rifles. They’re working on marching along with basic rifle and flag drill in preparation for upcoming home football games.

     While commanders are working to make their cadets strong as well as respectful and responsible, Cadet Lieutenant Colonel David Schaeffer (Battalion Commander), Cadet Command Sergeant Major Justin Boyd-Medina (Battalion CSM), and Cadet Major Victoria Allen (Battalion XO) are making sure that the ‘behind-the-scenes’ is working, including making sure plans are made and organized for all the cadets, making sure that all the staff is able to get all of their jobs done, and helping host and organize events for the battalion. 

     And Lastly, the Battalion would like to recognize the efforts of our Booster Club.  The RCHS JROTC Booster Club members are working tirelessly in planning, organizing, and publicizing the JROTC Golf Tournament scheduled for November 12th at the Dayton Golf Course.  The tournament is a 4-man scramble event.  If you are interested in playing or sponsoring the event, please look on Facebook for “RCHS JROTC Golf Tournament” or online at eventcreate.com/e/rchs-jrotc-golf-tournament.  We hope to see you there. 

By CPT Ruth Brown

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