2020 Senior Story – Rachel Davenport
April 27, 2020 Evensville, TN --  Rachel Davenport is the daughter of  Robert & Belinda Reeder.  Rachel attended Spring City Elementary and Middle School before attending Rhea County High School.  She is one of the 2020 seniors that had an shortened senior year.  She participated in track and field for Rhea County High School and her hobby is painting.  She and her fellow students missed out on the last three months of school and she and fellow teammates missed practically their entire track seasson.  Rachel took time to answer some questions and give us some insight into the 2020 seniors. Who was your favorite teacher? "Mr.Germany @ RCHS.  He always showed compassion to anyone & really showed that kindness goes a long way. He is always smiling and when you need someone to talk he’s always there! He is just a bright light at Rhea County High." What are your plans after highschool? "I most definitely want to attend Bryan College to run track, but I have other offers so I haven’t fully decided.   I want to go to college to be a Physical Therapist." Favorite moment during your high school sports career? "One day at practice this season before it was canceled, we were out practicing and all of a sudden it starts pouring down rain so our whole team huddled underneath the concessions stands roof. We were all laughing and soaking wet." Tell us a little about how you got started with track and the events you comped in. "My cousin did track and field when she was in highschool and college and it relaly inspired me to run, but I didn’t start running until junior year because I was always so nervous to put myself into a sport." "My favorite event is 300m hurdles & 4 by 4 relay.  Well a lot of people in my family used to run track. Track isn’t a team like thing.  You run for yourself and for your own goals and I like that, and at the same time it’s a team so I love that you can have your own goals and team goals at the same time.  I’ve always enjoyed running so that’s why I chose track.   My favorite memory from my highschool track career would be running the 4 by 4 at one of my meets and when I was getting ready to get the baton from my teammate, I noticed my whole youth group on the sidelines there to support me.  It made me run harder and push myself to win." Tell us a little about RCHS track coach Steffan Holder. "He is one of the most supportive coaches you’ll meet. He really keeps our team motivated, and just having a great coach like him makes you love the sport even more." Talk about the impact of losing your senior year. "With the hard work I put into this season and not being able to actually have a season really devastated me and made me lose motivation throughout the weeks we have missed, and it really made me upset that I’m losing this little time I have left with my high school team.  I’ve learned that every race bad or good. you should be grateful you are able to be out there doing it because,  you never know when it’s your last race." What has been the impact of losing out on the last three months of school? "To know all the effort put in just to lose the best parts of high school is just devastating. And it’s not just losing prom, awards day or senior night but just the precious time I had left w my senior class that just got taken away. It’s still upsetting that we did lose those days that build up to graduation. But it did make me realize to never take those little moments for granted." What has been the impact of going through the Covid-19 crisis? "This virus has pulled me closer to my family but has also made it very difficult to get things done, such as touring colleges, taking my act and even just being active. It has affected everyday life." Has Covid-19 changed your view of day-to-day living? "Yes, It definitely has.   I use to just, I guess, take it for granted, and just think of everyday as another day.   But now being home with nothing to do I see it as a way to appreciate life and being able to realize that I get to wake up everyday healthy and alive." Did you learn anything new from your vacation form school or did you rediscover something you used to do? "I did learn that I shouldn’t take everyday life for granted.  Those days I’d dread waking up for school, I now realize that I should have been grateful to get up and go somewhere, even if it’s school.  Now we can’t go anywhere, and I would do anything to get back to school.  I rediscovered my joy in painting and being with family.  The overall stress from senior year, did distract me from those things and now I’ve gotten back to them." What was your favorite subject in school? "I loved reading.  I love to read and I’ve just always enjoyed reading aloud." What is your favorite bible verse or quote? "Proberbs 3:5-6. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him. And he will make your paths straight.”

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