2020 Senior Story – Maddie Robinson
May 2, 2020
Evensville, TN --  Madison Robinson list her parents as Mary McGhee and R.C. McGhee is a 2020 Rhea County High School senior.  She has two younger siblings, Justin Patrick and Emily Davidson.  Emily attended Spring City Elementary and Spring City Middle School before moving on to Rhea County High School.  During her youth, Madison played softball with dixie youth from sixth up to 11th grade.   Madison is one of the Rhea County High School seniors who have lost the last third of their senior year due to COVID-19.  Madison loves to hunt, fish, ride horses and work on cars.
Madison answered a few questions for Rhea County Magazine.
Who was your favorite teacher in school? "My favorite teacher would be my automotive teacher Mr. Sims.  He always was there to encourage me when people discouraged me and always pushed me to go above everyone else’s expectations." What was your favorite subject in school? "My favorite subject in school would be English. Because it just always came easy to me and I enjoyed reading a lot" What was your favorite moment in high school? "My favorite moment in highschool would have to be when, in automotive class, a few classmates and I when we went to Cleveland to compete and I won 3rd place in our category." What was the impact of losing the last few months of high school? "The impact of losing the last few months of my highschool year was really disappointing.  I didn’t get to say my official goodbyes or enjoy the last little bit I had before leaving for college to Lincoln Tech with my friends." How has the COVID-19 crisis impacted you? "The Covid-19 crisis has had a big impact.  Not necessarily on me but my older family members.  I haven’t been able to see them as much and when I do I have to keep my distance to keep them safe." Did you come away from the time away from school with any lessons? "I learned to never take a moment for granted because you never know when it’s gonna be over or gone." What is your favorite bible verse or quote? That would be Romans 8:18, “The pain you feel now can’t compare to the joy that’s coming.” What would you tell upcoming nineth graders as they enter high school? "I would tell them to always keep in there feet about their work, enjoy highschool, and even if they may complain about going they shouldn’t take a moment for granted because it’s gone before you know it" What are your plans after high school graduation? "I am going to Lincoln Tech in Nashville, TN in August to get my degree for Automotive."

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