2020 Distinguished Young Woman Preview – Ellie Hickman

Hickman and 14 other High School Juniors Compete for Distingished Young Woman Title

  Dayton, TN --  Ellie Hickman is daughter of  Stacy Hickman and Lori Smith.  she has tow siblings, Paige and Kylie Hickman.  Ellie attended Rhea Central and Rhea Middle School before attending Rhea County High School.    She will be playing Amazing Grace on the electric guitar(which she just recently took up playing) for her talent.  The DYW Program this year will not be be attended by friends, family or any audience, as a result of gathering restrictions imposed by covid-19 protection.  The Program will be held on May 16,17 at Rudd Auditorium on campus of Bryan College.  Judes will see videos of performances and then judge and interview.  One thing will be still be the same.  This year a junior from Rhea County will be crowned the Distinguished Young Woman of Rhea County and she will go into an uncertain senior year in high school as Distinguished Young Woman.   Ellie has never done anything similar to the Distinguished Young Woman Program before, so this will be new endeavor for Ellie.  At this point in her high school career, she is planning on attending Chattanooga State, and then transfer to UTK or ETSU to pursue a degree in Nursing after her graduation from Rhea County High School.   Some of her hobbies and interests outside of school are softball, boating, traveling with family time, Tennessee football,  and Bible study.  Shea has played high school softball team for two years, before missing out on her 2020 season becuase of covid-19 virus shutdown of school sports. Who was your favorite teacher in school?   "My favorite teacher was Mr. Barry West."  What part of program you are most nervous about?  "I am the most nervous about playing the guitar since that is a new talent for me."    Do you have friends who have done this program?   "Yes, Delaney and Maddie Smith, Ally Gentry, and Addie Cannon."   What is your favorite bible verse/sayinng/quote?  "My favorite is "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you, and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11."   How has Covid-19 impacted your school year and home life?   "I am disappointed that my Junior year was cut short, and my softball season cancelled. However, I have enjoyed the extra time spent at home with my family. Nightly "family game nights" are competitive and fun."   How disappointed to lose the chance for live performance before audience at DYW?  I will not be as nervous as I would be in front of a live audience, but I am disappointed that I will not have my parents and family there to cheer me on.  

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