Victoria Skye Powers Settles In As Cheerleading Coach

Evensville, TN -- In 2019, Victoria Skye Powers came onboard to help Christiana McPherson with coaching the Rhea Middle Cheerleading squad. Victoria has been a big help in coaching the cheerleaders. There are after all, there are 27 cheerleaders.

Cheering this year for Rhea Middle are sixth graders Jaylin Cosby, Adyson Wolfe, Anna Goins, Kamryn Swafford and makenzie Brock. 7th grade cheerleaders are Michelle Castillo, Megahan Brock and Riley Huskey. The 8th grade class consists of 19 cheerleaders. 8th grade cheerleaders are: Isabella Scott, Ava Massengill, Lily Miller, Emma Fugate, Eva Hicks(captain), Kaylee Ervin, Alex O'Brien, Janella Velez, Olivia Smith, Sarah Shirley, Heater Frazier, Marrick Ballard, Emmy Hinds, Jacie Hall, Jalee Singleton, Ava Nelson, Mckenna Cameron(co-captain), Lainey Fitzgerald(co-captain) and Madi Douglas(captain).

Victoria has a background in cheering. She started cheering with Upward basketball at an early age. She cheered for Rhea Middle School back when it was actually Rhea Central Elementary School (Jackets) with the elementary and middle school combined. She cheered for the school team from the 6th grade to the 12th grade, and finished her time in cheer time in as the captain of the Rhea County High School cheer team. While cheering for the School, she also cheered competitively for three years through Flight Allstars.

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Victoria said," One of my favorite memories from cheer would have been preforming our routine at cheer camp my Senior year. That year, we had a very solid team. I remember feeling very proud of my team after coming off the mat. Another of my favorite memories would have to be from my Sophomore year, when we were on the track as we all watched Jake York make that insane run down the field with only a few seconds left in the game. Everyone was screaming and cheering so loudly. Getting the chance to see that up close is something I will never forget.:

"When I was in high school, cheering for school and competition took up most of my time. I was a part of the theatre program at the high school. I was also a part of the youth group at The Grove each week, which I always looked forward to."

"Now that I am in college, I take 18 credit hours every semester, assist in coaching the Rhea Middle cheer team, teach a Dance Fitness class every week, and work a part time job. So, there is not a whole lot at school that I am able to be involved with currently. In my free time, I love spending time with my family. I enjoy writing as well. I do a fair amount of journaling. I also love to travel. My two favorite places to go are Colorado and Virginia."

Victoria is currently a Junior at Bryan College. She completed an Associates of Arts Degree, and in Spring of 2021, she is on course to graduate with a Bachelor’s degree in Secondary English Education. Victoria hopes to be teacher and cheer coach after graduation while she works on a Master’s of Education Degree.

Cheer Coach Christina McPherson said, "We still have 27 cheerleaders. It has been our largest squad; however, 19 of those are 8th graders. I’m losing a lot of girls after this year, so next year won’t be a huge squad. "

"Victoria has been absolutely wonderful. We are doing a two year transition of me moving out of this position. Victoria is at Bryan finishing school to be an English teacher. When she is finished, she will become the coach full time."

"In the meantime, I handle the girls for practice at school, all the money, communication, and scheduling information. Victoria takes the girls to all the games. I have made it to several football games, and I hope to make it to some basketball as well. "

"My daughter is my youngest child, and she is a freshman cheerleader at the high school this year. This transition is allowing me to be able to be available for her. My son is a junior in the band, and even though he drives, this freedom (not being the full time coach) allows me to be more available for his activities as well."

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