Tennessee Churches Strongly Urged to Remain Online

Executive Order 30 From Governor Bill Lee Addresses Places of Worship

May 1, 2020 Tennessee --  As Sunday approaches, local communities are hoping to return to church soon.  In executive order 30, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee strongly encouraged churches to continue to utilize Virtual or online servies and gatherings. Places ofworship, weddings, and funerals. Religious services, rites, or gatherings, weddings, and funerals are not social gatherings under Paragraph 2, and nothing in this Order mandates closure of a place of worship, or prohibits weddings or funerals as a matter of law. However, places of worship are strongly encouraged to continue to utilize Virtual or online services and gatherings and strongly encouraged to follow Guidelines to be issued by the *Governor’s Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives regarding any in-person services that can be conducted safely. Further, it is strongly encouraged that the public celebration component of weddings and funerals be postponed or attended only by close family members. *Governor's Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives The Governor’s Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives was created in 2019, as part of the inaugural legislative agenda of Governor Bill Lee. This office brings together faith communities, nonprofits, business leaders, state and local governments to recognize and implement best practices in our shared goal to make life better for every Tennessean. Governor Lee launched this initiative with an awareness that government is not the answer to our problems and with the recognition that faith communities are called to feed the hungry, visit the sick and imprisoned, care for our neighbors and provide healing to those who are suffering. His mission is to bring these faithful, compassionate people together with state and local governments, find new ways to solve some of our toughest issues and leverage opportunities that contribute to the flourishing of Tennessee communities.

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