Senior Eagle Jackson Langley Looks Back
Senior Langley heads to Northern Ohio to Play Football March 30, 2019 Evensville, TN --  Rhea County Eagle running back Jackson Langley recently made public committment to Ohio Northern University.  At Ohio Northern, Jackson will major in Construction Management plans to one day own and operate a construction company.  Jackson began his football career with the Dayton Little Eagles and continued at Rhea Middle School and Rhea County High School.  Jackson's family consists of mother Devon, father Nathaniel and brother Warren Langley. Had time to ask Jackson a few questions looking back on his football past in Rhea County. You visited a lot of camps over the summer.  How did that help with college recruitment? "I went to around 30 camps this year and it helped me get noticed by people from all over the country. As they began contacting me, my opportunities grew. I had a total of 26 colleges offers." What stands out from your time playing for Coach Pemberton at Rhea County? "Playing for Coach Pem is really straight forward you know what is expected and he will take nothing but the best from his players." Former Rhea County coach Josh Rodda, who is now heavily involved in power lifting mentoring you in your weight training.  Talk about how that progressed. "Coach Rodda and I started our bond in middle school being in the weight room with him coaching us made us the team we were in 8th grade so I continued working with him getting bigger faster and stronger he pushed me to my goals and I continued to work with him and it made me a better player because I knew how to push myself and others to achieve greatness." What are some of your off-hour enjoyment activities? "I enjoy hunting, fishing, and spending time with my family." Do you have a favorite professional football player? "Yes, it would be Brett Farve." What sport, other than football do you enjoy? "Golf would be my other favorite sport." Who in your academic career was your favorite teacher and why? "My favorite teacher would be Mr.Heath because he has taught not only about carpentry but also how to be a man of high character and prepared me for the real world." What was your favorite and least favorite moments during your time on the football field? "My best moment was probably my senior year Coach Pem told me what was expected and I focused and delivered pretty solid and my worst was my Junior year I was not focused I was just not the player I needed to be our could've been at the time." Why contributed to your decision to attend Ohio Northern? "It was a good fit for me academically and athletically and I felt that is where God was leading me to go." You had a chance to represent Rhea County, along with Jacob Stringfellow in the Blue Grey game.  How was the experience? "The Blue Grey Game was a once in a lifetime experience to be able to go and play a game with guys from all over the country. Some of the guys I knew from camps in the past.  Most exciting part was chance to play and practice one more time with my teammate Jacob Stringfellow." What is your favorite song from practice and pregame music? "Gods gonna cut em down by Johnny Cash."

4 thoughts on “Senior Eagle Jackson Langley Looks Back

  1. I am so proud of our Grandson he has done so well and is trying to follow what God’s will is for him in his life

  2. I am so proud of our Grandson he has done so well and is trying to follow what God’s will is for him in his life

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