RCHS Senior Ross Pendergras Interview

Ross Pendergrass heading to Motlow State To Play Baseball

April 2 2020

Evensville, TN — Ross Pendergrass should be out on the field playing the game he loves, but he one of many who have lost that opportunity due to the COIVID-19 impact on all our lives.  But the past is solid and Ross shared a glimpse into his time in Rhea County, as a student athlete.  Ross is son of Chip and Rhonda Pendergrass and brother to Rex Pendergrass an upcoming 9th grader. Ross began playing baseball at the age of 5 and Ross has played baseball, football and golf on school teams, but concentrated on baseball.  Ross has been a solid part of the pitching rotation for the Eagles.

Ross was kind enough to answer a few questions about his journey through youth and on to high school senior year.

What is your favorite sport besides baseball?

"My favorite sport besides baseball would have to be golf. It’s a self-humbling sport for sure."

Talk a little about the experience of playing for Coach Rusty Ray.

"Playing for Coach Ray through the years has definitely been challenging. Coach Ray is definitely one of the tougher coaches to play for on the field but is always your best friend off the field. Coach Ray has always been there for me whenever I need him."

Did you have a professional baseball player that you looked up to and idolized growing up?

"My favorite baseball player growing up has been Derek Jeter.  I learned from a young age by watching his games how to carry yourself on the field.  Also learned how to never showed emotion, even when you want to, but to always just have fun and enjoy the game you play."

What interests do you have outside of sports?

"Outside of sports I enjoy fishing and spending time with my grandparents. Fishing is something my grandad and I share a passion for so we go together as much as time allows us to get out there."

Teachers are such an influence on our lives,  Was there a teacher who was your favorite?

"My favorite teacher of all time has to be Coach Kinney SR. I learned a lot more than just your basic water cycle in his middle school science class. He taught me the right way to carry myself. Coach Kinney taught me how to take pride in the things I do. I for sure miss those days, Coach Kinney and I shared many laughs and still do."

Can you share your favorite memory from your time at Rhea County?

"My most favorite memory at Rhea County while playing baseball: I have many memories for sure, but I guess my favorite would have to be was last year when we beat Cookeville. I remember I pitched that game and we just all played well together."

Choosing a college should always been such an important decision.  Talk a little about the selection process?

"I chose Motlow State because they have a great program. I really liked the coaches that run it as well. Motlow offers me two years free as well. I really like Tullahoma as well, it’s for sure going to be a fun two years over there.  I took visits to the University of Memphis, University of Tennessee at Martin, and a few other Universities and a few other JUCO schools. All of these schools were visited for baseball."

What was your walk-up music for baseball?

"My music for my walk up song was a classic. It was: Hypnotize by The Notorious B.I.G. (Biggie Smalls)"

As you look back, what will you miss most about your high school days at Rhea County?

"I think what I will miss the most after high school is being able to see my childhood friends everyday."

As the COVID-19 virus continues to impact all our lives in Rhea County and the world.  Though there are more important things than sports and your senior year, I know for high school and college seniors it takes away something we can never recover.  What would it be like to lose your senior season in baseball.

"To lose my senior year of baseball is one of the biggest heart breaks someone can take. It’s something I have worked my whole high school career for, and it was just ripped away. I really feel bad for most seniors out there that doesn’t get the opportunity to play at the next level."

What attribute do you have that makes you a good player?

"I think what makes me a good player is the teammates I have around me.  We all push each other to get better every single day."

You had the priviledge of having Terry Goins on the bus and in the booth covering baseball for part of your career.  Of course Terry was much more than a sports writer when it came to Rhea County sports.  Share a little about Terry and baseball.

"Terry was a huge sports fan of Rhea County High School, and he loved baseball, and he was a big fan of every player we had. As a team we appreciated having him so much as our announcer for years."

Ross Pendergrass slideshow

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