RCHS Senior Keaton Ray Signs with Virgina Tech

Keaton will attend Virgina Tech and Play Baseball after Graduation in 2021

November 2020

Evensville, TN --  Rhea County High School senior Keaton Ray signed scholarship papers to play baseball at Virgina Tech after his graduation this spring.  He still is looking forward to playing his senior season for the Eagles.  Family, friends, coaches, media and teammates were on scene at the Rhea County High School baseball field where many of the magic moments happened for Keaton and his teammates.  Keaton has played for his father Rusty Ray during his high school career.  Keaton has enjoyed a very good high school career and looks forward to continuing it this spring.  After his signing, Keaton took time to answer a few questions for Rhea County Magazine.

What was the deciding factor on Virgina Tech?

Being at the campus really made me say "This is the place I want to be".  It is a beautiful place.  I don't know why anyone would not want to go there."

Talk about the effect of COVID-19 cancellation of last year's season.

"We were 5-1 and we were up at Gatlinburg.  We started to hear abut teams seasons cancelling.  It was definitely tough.  I thought we had a chance to have a really good season."

Talk about playing from young kid up through high school.

My big brother (Westin Ray) taught me a lot and he is the reason I am the athlete I am.  In little league, I played about every position there was.  I played mostly outfield and a lot at first base.  For the Eagles I pitched."

What position would you most like to play if you like to play all things aside?

"I would love to play shortstop.  Thats where all the action is.:

Do you have a favorite baseball team?

"Go socks.  I have always loved the Red Socks.  2018 was the best year of my life when Socks won."

Talk about your experiences playing at Rhea County.

I love the brotherhood we created.  We have had a lot of fun.  Everybody really likes each other."

What do you think you will miss when you move on to college?

I really will miss my friends and family when I move on to the next level?

Talk about playing baseball for your father?

"Playing for my dad has been the best gift I could have received.  I have learned more from him than any coach I have ever had.  Playing for him is not daddy ball.  Playing for him has been great."


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