Marty Revis Running For Rhea County Executive

Marty Revis Speaking At Rhea County Excecutive Debate in June 2022.

July 21, 2022

Rhea County, TN -- Marty Revis 62, was born on September 11, 1959 and graduated from Rhea County High School. He is one of seven candidates running for Rhea County Executive. He has worked in construction of most of his life and served the Rhea County community as carpenter other construction capacities. Marty has two sons and five grandchildren. Sons' names are Jason Barley and Eric(Becky) Barley. Grandchildren are Keely, Ian, Heidi(by Jason) and Brad and Gage( by Eric). Marty has worked over 25 years as sub-contractor and carpenter in the Rhea County area.

Mary provided Tennessee Community Magazine with some insights into his run for Rhea County Executive.

"Some have asked, "Why would I seek the Rhea County Executive position?" Today our county is not the shining star it once was. I hope with the citizens helping, we can return the county to the great county it was once again. I've seen a lot of different politics over the years mold and shape our county government. Those have been some good, but some bad as well. I think with my help and the county residents' input, we will be able to tweak some of the programs we have and open eyes to newer projects ahead. I believe I am the man for the job and look forward to proving to our citizens that their votes do matter!"

"I make no pledges, no promises but just actions. I live seven miles from Dayton, twelve miles from Graysville and 17 miles from Spring City. I have no reason to owe any favoritism or do I have any ties that "Bind" to any of the municipalities in Rhea County."

"I have been self-employed since 1996. There is not and will not be any favoritism show by me to any one industry, factory or business. I have never held a public office. I owe no group, organization or individual any favors!"

"It is true that I have no government experience as some of the other candidates. But before they were elected, neither did they. I do have knowledge of a working budget, not only making a budget but keeping one. It is most imperative to keep cost down, limit spending and even cut things that are not important to the success of the county. You can spend money just for sake of spending it. Being self-employed has taught me how to work with the public. I know how to negotiate a schedule and I know how important time lines are."

"I have a wish list and what to do if elected.

  1. Clean up Rhea County. I am not talking just along the road-ways but also business and residential areas.
  2. Investigating landfill and its problems. We are losing the battle because everything is political.
  3. Look at and scrutinizing of all county departments including purchasing and receiving policies.
  4. Look at county employment. Aspects like hiring and discipline practices, contractor requirements. We will use county businesses and contractors first, before hiring out-of-town companies.
  5. Investigation into all projects which require large investments of TAX PAYER dollars.
  6. Below Average property tax rate.
  7. Helping provide for our citizens a great place to rear children. A STAY IN RHEA program.

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