Coach David Tucker passes out achievement medals at recent basketball camp.(Photo:GaryBolden/TennesseeCommunityMagazine)
Basketball Coach David Tucker's Camp Hits 44 years, Career Hits 48
July 9, 2022
Athens, TN -- Over two weeks in late June and early July, 2022. McMinn County basketball coach David Tucker conducted two basketball Tennessee Wesleyan University The first was a skills camp for 4 days and the second was a shooting camp that lasted 3 days. The skills camp had around 112 young basketballers in attendance from Kindergarten all the way through 8th grade. The camp was very economically priced, especially in today's world of inflation. David was at home on the court giving out instructions and seeing the next generation of basketball players getting their start or continuing their young career. Now in today's world of AAU basketball and so many places and teams for players to choose, it is still good to have a good old fashioned basketball camp for parents who want their kids to be exposed to basics and enjoy the process. Thanks to those like David Tucker, out there providing these camps. Now David had a tremendous career, spanning 48 seasons, that began at Charleston Middle School many years ago. David is 69 years old and shows no signs of slowing down. He answered the call when McMinn County High School girls' basketball program in 2021. Tucker came to McMinn from Tellico plains, where he played and where in his stint there her was 40-35 over three years. Tucker hasd coached the McMinn County Lady Cherokees between 1986 and 1998. He had several other stops on his way back to McMinn.
David answered a few questions regarding his camps and his career for Tennessee Community Magazine.
How did you become involved in the TWU basketball camp?
"Coach Farmer, coach Farmer, Coach Harrison, Coach Bivens and I felt that the fundamentals of basketball needed to be offered to kids during summer to help build skills and player knowledge of the game. It was an opportunity for them to get more individual attention on necessary skills and to allow them opportunities to learn the game of basketball."
What has changed the most over 44 years you have been involved with the camp?
"Parent involvement has increased. Players are wanting to spend more time in the gym working on their skills, fundamentals and playing the game."
How important has it been to keep the cost for the camp low?
"I have always wanted to keep the cost of camp low, so that it is more accessible to all players. I do not want any players that wants to participate to miss out because of cost."
How many years have you coached basketball? How many teams have you coached over the years? How many of our players do you think have gone on to coach basketball?
"I have coached basketball for 48 years. I would say around 25 players have gone on to coach. I have coached seven different teams."
Coach Tucker and his brothers Gary and Junior sons Jim and sons Jim and Jon Tucker have amassed somewhere around 2700 wins unofficially.
Who are some of the best coaches you have coached with and against over your 48 years?
"Lewis Blevins, Mike Turner, Stan Harrison, Johnny Morgan, My brothers Jr. and Gary Tucker, my sons Jim and Jon Tucker, Donnie Jenkins, Dwain Farmer, Rachel Powell Moore."
How has your coaching prep and game time coaching changed over the years?
"I have learned that you spend more time in the gym, (mornings, evenings and weekends). The accessibility of the internet makes it easier to learn more about your upcoming opponent, and this is very different from what it was 40 years ago, where you waited for a phone call, word of mouth, and video tapes(eventually). You're able to better prepare now for game situations because you have a better understanding of your opponents. I work more on preparing our team and try to worry less about the other team."
Approximately how many players you coached, went on to play college basketball, and who are some of those who really excelled?
"It would be close to 60 players. Some of those players were Allyson Butler, Renee Bowman, Wendy Riden, Tenisha Gist, Brooke Hamby, Lacy Allen, Monica Shepard, Annie Parris, Rebecca merit, Seth Merit, Addie Smith, Brooke Maddox, Jamia Lockmiller, Peyton Olliver, Dan Wilkins, Jordan Neuharth, and Jennifer Shepard. Those are just a few of the many incredible players I have coached over the years. it would be impossible to list them all from 48 years of coaching."
Who are some of the coaches who have influenced/mentored you over the years?
"Coach Farmer, Stan Harrison and Donnie Jenkins."
Have you considered retiring any time soon?
"I don't think a coach ever retires."