Charles Benton II Was Star On Field, In Classroom , In Life

Rhea County Teacher Was a Winner

October 2019

Evensville, TN -- Charles Benton II was many things. Most recently he was a career exploration teacher at Rhea County High School. He was also a coach, athlete, husband, father, son and friend over the years. Charles passed recently and many in the community stepped back from everyday life to take time to remember the many things that Charles Benton II brought into their lives.

Charles was married 38 years to Kim Kelly Benton of Spring City and had a daughter Jayden whom he loved very much.

Charles was a 1983 graduate of Rhea County High School. He was a four year letterman in football at University of Tennessee from 1983-1986. He received his degree from University of Tennessee in 1989.

Charles began life in Rhea County on Jackson Street in Spring City, Tennessee. When he arrived at Rhea County High School, he was an athlete, who played multiple sports. He starred in baseball, football and basketball as youth. At Rhea County, he was a star football, and basketball player who moved on to the next level and play football for the University of Tennessee.

On the Tennessee Volunteer website Charles was remembered. "Charles was a defensive back and punt returner from 1983 to 1986 and a Vol for Life. Students remember his him for his caring, his hugs, athleticism and his friendly nature."

Bill Marsh, long time Rhea County resident who watched Charle's career at Rhea County, said, "He had great instints in football and basketball. As a defensive back, he had great anticipation and as a basketball point guard, he saw the court very well.

Rhea County Football coach Mark Pemberton said, "Charles was a passionate man who will be missed very much by the student body and by the community."

Rhea County High School Principal Jesse Messimer, who played with Charles in high school and the University of Tennessee, saw him daily at Rhea County High School said, "Charles was passionate about football and kids That was evident in the way he played and the way he taught. He loved kids."

Roy Guthrie, an assistant football coach and friend of Charles growing up said, "I looked up to Charles and we spent quite a bit of time growing up together in Spring City. "

" My dad cut our hair and I remember that Charles wanted cut it just right. Charles loved to fish, both on the banks and off the boat. Charles loved life and he was a fun person to be around growing up."

Rhea County High School baseball coach Rusty Ray was a friend of Charles. They also coached together recently on Rhea County Baseball team.

Coach Ray said, "First of all & most importantly, Charlie B was a great friend. I've never met a man with more love in his heart than Charlie B!"

" From the time we were students together at Rhea County High School until his last days on earth, Charlie B, never walked away from me without a hug & saying "I love ya bro!" I always replied the same, but he was the guy who would say it first.  Charlie B coached baseball with me in 2016. Even at the conclusion of each long bus ride home late at night, he would end the day with a hug & another "I love ya bro!"  He was a great "bro" to me! The members of the 1981 football team that played for a state championship, had a brotherhood that was second to none."

"If I was in need, I knew I could call on any of those players & they would come running!  Charlie B was that kind of friend every day!  I can honestly say, I loved Charlie B!   He not only impacted me with his constant show of love, but he incorporated that in his every day routine as an educator & coach at Rhea County High School. Students loved him!  Students would gravitate towards him!  They knew he cared, as we all did!"

"Being the selfish human that I am, I mourn the loss of my brother & ask why, but I know Charlie B is in heaven giving hugs, saying "I love ya bro"!   RIP my friend!"


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