2020 Was A Year Of Loss

America Loses Lives, Livelihood and Lifestyle

December 31, 2020 Dayton, TN --  As the clock winds down on 2020, most are eager to see the year end.  For most, it has been a year like no other in recent history.  The year began normal enough, but by March, the virus began to move across the nation.  Many thought the COVID-19 virus would be no more than just another virus and pass through and we could move on with our lives.  Obviously as we enter the end of 2020 with almost 20 million cases nationwide and almost 350 thousand deaths covid-19 has impacted lives throughout the nation.  In Tennessee the numbers are 566 thousand plus cases and over 6,700 deaths.  Locally in Rhea County, the total sets at 3174 cases with 48 deaths.  Worldiwde the numbers are so vast, it is hard to put your head around the numbers.  Over 83 million cases with 1.81 million deaths.  Surely I don't think the majority of people had any thoughts that we would be approaching the end of 2020 with these kind of numbers. At the local level, those 48 deaths in Rhea County most likely touch every family in the county.  I would think that most have known at least one of those who have passed due to covid this year.  With vaccines being distributed and many people hopefully having herd immunity, there is hope for the future as we enter 2021.  But we do still know that on December 20th, Tennessee hit it's high mark for the year with 11, 383 cases, so we are still cautious as we enter 2021.  We will most like have to continue to be careful with our distancing and our health habits, to slow the spread. Not only have we lost loved ones to the virus, many have lost their lifestyles.  We have been more fortunate though in this area to still maintain our lifestyles in a less disrupted fashion that in bigger cities and in other areas.  After closing schools and jobs for the early lockdown, we have been able to enjoy some of the daily lifestyles that we have enjoyed in the past.  In Rhea County, we were able to play football, soccer, basketball and other sports without a tremendous interruption in play.  Now there have been various health variations at events, including limiting number, social distancing and mask wearing.  Schools were held, with some opting out for at home education, but a majority have been back in school this fall.  People are back at their jobs, though some working in restaurant and similar industries have seen a change in their work hours and way-of-working. Nationally, there has been a much greater decrease in ability to work in restaurant and other related fields.  Church is another lifestyle that has been hit hard by the COVID-19.  After a long time shutdown, many have gone back to in-person services, but then went back to online services dues to COVID-19 outbreaks.  There are other changes that may not affect everyone, but have been impactful.  Jails have stopped in-person visitiation.  Nursing homes have stopped in-person visitation and some families have put in place their own limitations on visits to loves ones(especially older loved ones) to prevent the spread of the virus.  Other areas affected non-essential services that have been limited in the access to things like library and similar venues. Obviously the loss of lives is far more impactful to our community than the loss of livelihood and lifestyle.  Putting aside the politics and differences in numbers reported, we must accept that too many people have died and for many the process was very painful and very lonely as visitation was not allowed because of contagion.  We have already taken time daily to think of the loss of loved ones, but as a community, we should remember that too many have passed this year, due to the virus.   Going forth we continue to hear the phrase "new normal" and we have to admit that the normal we enjoyed in early 2020 may not come back for a while, if every.  If anything, we have learned that the virus may not act in the way we expected and we can't just say vaccinations and herd immunity will put us back to normal. Add in the protest, riots, and election roller coaster and you have a year like no other before.  Everyone can see the division that we have in our country that is  not a division of races only but of idealology too.  Yes we don't treat everyone the same and sometimes that lack of fairness can be very impactful to peoples lives.  Now discussing this difference in values and perspectives can be a very toxic thing on social media.  Main stream media has shown a lack of impartialiality that leaves many on the conservative side of the scale with questions of trust. So the nation has many problems to face in 2021.  The economic impact for individuals will be great, but for the nation will be also great.  As a nation we must put our resoures where they are needed.  The list of needs is long.  Infrastructure, rebuiling the job market, dealing with housing crisis, dealing with homeless and drug dependency increases and so many very important needs. Large cities are dying becuase of mismanagement, lack of resources, lack of directions and many other problems.   We cannot forget those as we attempt to make our world fair for everyone.  When the government and media decide to push the narrative and split the nation, we could see even more divisiveness.  Be assured the difference between left and right are very concrete issues that cannot be solved with constant news stories that tell our communitys to come together, but don't address the problems.  As we have seen over the years, politicians have shown little empathy for the common man and they have done very little to help solve the problems.  The difference in our heart-felt opinions on patriotism, policing, abortion, gun use and control, government control in our communities and type of government is great. We have a much more diverse nation, and we have not done a good job at coming together as americans who have different backgrounds and different cultures, but people wanting to be americans first.  Now it is easy to point out the problems and much harder to come up with acceptable and workable solutions.  For those who believe in such things, prayer is the first step, but much work will be required as we enter 2021. [perfect_survey id="3120"]

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