2020 RCHS Senior Story – Zac Barnett

Zac Barnett Plans On Attending Cleveland State

May 26, 2020

Evensville, TN --  Zac Barnett is a senior at Rhea County High School, who plans on attending Cleveland State Community College and majoring in Engineering Systems Technology.  Zac is son of Ann and Ruel Barnett and has one sister, Emily Barnett.  Zac has played soccer for the Rhea County schools for the past 6 years and last 4 years, though last one was cut short by covid-19 shutdown of schools and sports.  When he was growing up, he played basketball, baseball, and soccer.  He  gravitated to soccer because he found it to be creative and fun.

Zac was kind enough to answer a few questions about his time in Rhea County schools and especially his senior academic and athletic season.

Talk about your favorite teacher(s) during you school years?

Zac responded, "I have had many great teachers throughout my lifetime. I cannot pick just one. Everyone was good to me and I am forever grateful for all my teachers."

You played for coach Justin Smith during your time at Rhea County High School.  Tell us a little about coach Smith.

"Coach Smith is a great coach who knows what he is doing.  He has helped me get better at soccer and become a better man for the past 6 years. He is just an all around good guy."

Do you have a favorite moment during your soccer career here at Rhea County High School?

"My favorite moment was when I scored my first varsity goal last year against White County."

Why did you choose soccer as your sport of choice?

"I chose to play soccer because the more you learn about it, the more fun it is.  Soccer is a very creative sport.  There are no set plays, you just have fun and go with it.  The game controls your actions."

Share some of your favorite moments or memories of playing soccer.

"My favorite thing about soccer is getting the chance to build relationships with the boys on the team.  I have made lifelong friends throughout my many years of playing soccer."

Give us a few words about your senior soccer season and the effect of the covid-19 sports stoppage.

"The coronavirus ruined my senior soccer season.  I am helping out around the house, instead of playing soccer.  Trust me, I would rather be out on the field.  I was very hopeful to win the district tournament this year since we were so close last year.  I was looking forward to improving my skills throughout the season to help the team win.  I have many emotions about this topic, but I am mostly sad about what all we have missed.  I will not have a last home game, a last assist, a last goal, a last yellow card, and a last group huddle.  Most people get the chance to have all of these lasts and mine just happened sooner than most.  I did not know that a game during spring break, would be the last soccer game as an eagle.  I had high hopes of having a good season."

What are some of the interesting things you have done during the time at home due to school closing?

"I helped paint the house, build a gazebo, build a rock wall for a flower bed, hang tin on the garage, and in the living room."


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