168 RCHS Students Inducted Into Beta Club

Alvin Bishop, Ben Garrison, Luke Parker, Emma Fugate and Lexie Housley pose before the 2023 Beta Club Pinning Ceremony at Rhea County High School.

RCHS Beta Club Conducts Beta Candle Induction Ceremony

October 23, 2023, Evensville, Tennessee

The National Beta Club at Rhea County High School conducted a Beta Club Induction Ceremony in the auditorium of RCHS on 10/23/23. This was the first induction ceremony since 2006-2007 school year. 168 Rhea County High School students were inducted. This was a higher number than normal, due to the restart of the Beta Club after the last instance back in 2007. Two teacher sponsors, were essential in the reboot of the Beta Club in 2023. Beta Club sponsors are Deborah Wilson and Darlene Jackson. Invitations were sent out in August 2023 and 168 students responded. RCHS principal Scotty Herrell opened up the ceremony and Micah Ruehling, associate principal was announcer for the ceremony.

There was a welcome message by Alvin Bishop. The five candles used with Beta Club induction ceremonies were lit by the Beta Club officers.

Alvin Bishop said, "Founded in 1934, the National Beta Club is the largest educational youth organization in the country. It promotes the idea of achievement, character, leadership and above all, service. Beta Club provides opportunities for community service to impact community. It is also student-led honor society."

"The outpouring of support from the student body has been incredible. I would like to thank the parents, teachers and administrators for their support along the way. I would like to express special appreciation to Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Jackson. They spent countless hours of their time along the way during this whole process."

White stands for light, purity, and faith. As members of the Beta Club, we will work to hold to these principles and accept the responsibility of membership.

The red candle, color denotes pure love and wisdom and suggests bravery.
Another objective of National Beta is to encourage fellowship and cooperation. We ask for wisdom and courage to live up to the motto of our club, Let Us Lead by Serving Others.

The blue candle, which is symbolic of truth and fidelity. This is essential in expressing loyalty to our nation, but also loyalty to our club and our school. The third objective of The National Beta Club is to reward effort and achievement. We students are here today, being recognized for that achievement.

Black symbolizes dignity and seriousness. The fourth objective of The National Beta Club is to inspire honesty, which is necessary to be a good citizen. As members of our Beta Club, we intend to grow into more trustworthy members of the student body.

The gold candle stands for warmth, friendship and loyalty.

Sponsor Deborah Wilson asked attendees to rise and take the Beta Club oath.

The Beta Club officers were as follows:

President: Alvin Bishop

Vice President: Ben Garrison

Secretary Luke Parker

Treasurer: Emma Fugate

Media Executive: Lexi Housley

Also present were the two Beta Club sponsors, Deborah Wilson and Darlene Jackson. They were involved with the distribution of beta club certificates after the club members had pinned themselves with beta club pins. Before the ceremony the National Beta Club Pledge was recited by new members. New member presentation/dismissal was done by Deborah Wilson.

RCHS Administration members Micah Ruehling, Co-Athletic Director, teacher Deborah Wilson, teacher Darlene Jackson and RCHS principal Scotty Herrell on stage during Beta Club Ceremony on 10/23/23.
Beta Club new members with family, friends and community at the RCHS auditorium on 10/24/23.

The 2023 Beta Club List is below:

Karagan Alexander10Anna Grace Fraley11Colton Lowe12Kloe Reeves10
Pearl Allmon11Emma Fugate12Kloe Maerki12Emma Reeves12
Ginger Alvarado-Jimenez10Ashlyn Futrell11Gage Martin10Logan Rice12
Elijah Anderson11Lillian Gardner11Aidyn Martin12Bri Riley12
Jackson Arnold10Ben Garrison12Evelyn Martinez-Lopez11Sam Roberson10
Cole Baldwin11Emily Girard12Drew Massengill12Ace Robinson11
Marrick Ballard12Mari Gonzalez11Ava Massengill12Ashley Rojas-Salazar12
Sheana Barger12Riley Graves11Aiden McClendon12Sierrya Rosenberg11
Gavin Barlow 10Sylvia Graves11Alison McSwain10Campbell Ruehling11
Elmer Bautista10Daylee Gravett12Nevaeh Mears12Arianna Russell10
Addy Beasley10Madison Gross11Alina Mejia Rendon11Alyssa Sauls11
Colton Beene11Laila Grun12Dawson Mickel12Isabella Scott12
Angel Bennett12Ethan Hale 12Jake Mickel10Artem Serozhyn10
Jacob Best12Sydney Hampton12Eli Mickel 10Allie Shaver11
Alvin Bishop10Emree Harris12Preston Moore12Josiah Shibley10
Cooper Brackett11Brayden Harris12Evan James Morgan10Sarah Shirley12
Meaghan Brock11Sierra Harvey12Allison Morgan10Bailee Smith12
Lukas Brown10Tristan Hawley10Emma Neal10Travis Smith11
Baron Bruehl11Rachel Heimel12Cheyenne Ovitt10Holly Smith10
Robert Burns III11Keyla Hernandez11Alexa Pacheco10Samantha Smycz11
McKenna Cameron12Aubrianna Hickey12Luke Parker12Alexia Stephens12
Caleb Carr11Eva Hicks12Prabhnoor Parmar12Alyssa Stinnett10
Jaime Castellon-Silva12Emmy Hinds12Olivia Parnell11Nadia Summerlin11
Michelle Castillo11Madison Hinely12Rebecca Patton12Jackson Suttles10
Lillian Chattin11Elexis Hirth12Jocelyn Pelfrey10Serena Tallent12
Journey Childers10Asia Hitchcock11Kailee Pelfrey10Blake Thompson12
Alaina Clark10Aaliyah Holland12Travis Pelfrey10Savannah Thurman10
Emilee Clark12Lexi Housley12Mason Phillips11Ava Varner10
Maelyn Cook10Brenlee Hufstetler12Jermiah Poole10Katelyn Waldo11
Ryleigh Cooper12Lydia Hurd12Jesicah Poole10Aree Walker12
Jaylin Crosby10Asher Jones12Brittley Powell10Tinsley Walker11
Abby Crisp10Ayden Grant Jordan10Megan Prince10Braden Watson10
Lindsey Danniels12Dakota Kilby11Brenden Raithel10Melissa Watt11
Holly Davis12Kenlie Kilby12Sydney Ransom10Autumn Wente10
Ethan Davis12Andrew King11Bencie Rasnake12Cheyenne Went11
Olivia Day12Jasmine Knight12Sadie Rasnake10Sierra Weston10
Madi Douglas12Alex Latshaw11Marissa Ray12Bryan White10
Karli Dunsworth12Lakyn Lockhart11Galilee Raymer11C.J. Wilkey10
Kaylee Ervin12Jackson Long10Camryn Reed10Hannah Wilson12
Gregory Farmer12Jennifer Lopez Cruz10Ashley Reed11Joy Wooden12
Spencer Fisher 12Eva Lopez Hernandez11Brayden Reel11Emily Worthington12
Demitri Follett11Levi Love11Chelsea Reel11Paislee Yeager10

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